whacky email idea

Here's an idea i've been toying with:

I'd like to use the mail storage on my home machine (Apple's mail client mbox's) via an X client. I'd like to ssh -X and then fire up an X client for reading/sending mail while I'm away from my home machine.
The advantage is that, I have all my mail (both read and sent) stored on my home machine. so sent mail messages that are otherwise lost on whatever machine I happen to be using at the time, are not an issue. likewise, I have a secure connection to my home machine through which "my" mail is accessible/usable.

While I'm home, I can use the excellent Apple Mail.app, and on the road I could continue to use my personal mail folders stored on my home machine.

Has anyone given this any thought/done it/seen information to this end?

ok, I fiddled with vnc. slow and a weensie tricky.

I tried a couple of mail clients, mutt (butt-ugly cli dealie), and sylpheed (compiled with a bunch of warnings but still runs)

I looked at requirements for spruce, GNUMail, balsa...
they all required stuff I wasn't willing/ready to install.

I think I'll go with sylpheed. It's certainly not the most feature packed email client, but it is serviceable from the point of my quest.

Sylpheed can import mboxes, so I can ssh -X to my home machine, launch Apple's Mail.app from the command line and then import my mboxes when I need to get my mail. Sylpheed also allows me to set up a default bcc for outgoing messages.
Sent mail messages won't get lost between mail clients that way.
Or I could export sent mail to mbox format, but...

I sure wish Apple made an X11 Mail.app counterpart, with wizzy spam trapping, that read wrote to the regular Mail.app mboxes.