Wget takes a long time to complete


I wish to check the return value for wget $url .

However, some urls are designed to take 45 minutes or more to return.

All i need to check if the URL can be reached or not using wget.

How can i get wget to return the value in a few seconds ?

why don't you ping it if you want to check the reachability?


Becoz, I need to check the complete URL not just the hostname portnumber

Use the --spider option of wget


Does not help. Here is the output as it hangs as seen below.

 $ wget --spider http://helloz.net:2400/enu/start.swe?Source=SecureWebService
Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
--2014-02-24 12:00:30--  http://helloz.net:2400/enu/start.swe?Source=SecureWebService
Resolving helloz.net...
Connecting to helloz.net||:2400... failed: Connection timed out.

--2014-02-24 12:02:44--  (try: 2)  http://helloz.net:2400/enu/start.swe?Source=SecureWebService
Connecting to helloz.net||:2400...

You see the connection timeout, thats a problem. It is not able to connect in the first place. Try increasing the timeout.
Normally how long does it take to start transferring the file once you issue the command?


Try : specify timeout variable in seconds

$ wget -q -t 1 --timeout=200 http://url.com
$ echo $?
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Thank you !!

The default is to retry 20 times. You can specify different tries.

-t number

GNU Wget 1.13.4 Manual