Wget help - unable to download pic

There is a website providing traffic camera images that gets updated every few minutes.
My aim is to download the images over time to get a view of traffic conditions through the day.

Image link, as taken from site source: http://www.checkpoint.sg/sg/2701

I tried downloading the file with the code below, however all I get is a picture of a kitten.

wget -q "http://www.checkpoint.sg/sg/2701" --referer="http://www.checkpoint.sg" execute robots=off --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.63" --output-document="2701.jpg"

Anyone can help me on this?

The site uses a cookie to validate you are not a bot. You can verify this in chrome by opening the required image in a new tab, enabling developer tools and reloading the image.

I suspect the site owner does not want their data reused without permission.

If you believe the site owner would not object to your re-use you should open a conversation with them as they are likely to modify the image security methodology as soon as they notice someone bypassing it...

Thanks for informing about using the development tools.
Found the error - need a / at the end of the referrer url.

wget -q "http://www.checkpoint.sg/sg/2701" --referer="http://www.checkpoint.sg/"  --output-document="2701.jpg"