Web Programming, Web 2.0 and Mashups

I think we are missing an important forum on Web Programming, including Web 2.0 and Mashups.

Well, here is another poll ..... I vote yes :b:

I don't see the button "great idea for some other site" ...?

Seriously, there's a great many Ajax forums on the web already, and I feel it would dilute the flavor of Unix.com.

There is a lot more to web programming than AJAX

PHP, for example. Web 2.0 Mashups. etc ad infinitum


As I'm frankly more of a Web developer than a sysadmin myself, surely my thumbs up for this.

OK, by a 80% majority, the motion passes :wink:

Here is the new forum:

Web Programming, Web 2.0 and Mashups - The UNIX Forums