wat is execute permission denied???

i have a problem and is needed by next week.
when i need to run a program at the specified time using the crontab, after that the program which will send a messege to the screen using the say command, which will show "Hello"

but there is an error when i run it, in the mail it show that

[unexpected end of line. this entry has been ignored.]

my crontab code is like tis

45 13 * * * /usr/testest > /usr/test.txt 2>&1

and my code for [testtest] is

DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 export DISPLAY


in the [test.txt] it shows
/usr/testtest : say : execute permission denied

does anyone know how to solve the [execute permission denied] problem?

Thank You for any advices.

Execute permission denied means exactly that. Check if the /usr/testtest file has execute permission for user whose crontab it is being executed from. If not, then add execute permissions using chmod. Thats all.

hi all,

i have change the /usr/testtest to like this [-rwxrwxrwx] but it still have the same problem.

is there anythin i need to do so that the problem will not appear?

can u validate the entry in the crontab file....
also check the permissions of say command.


Is this really what the start of your script looks like?


its a typo error
