Wanted: References on Sockets and Threads for C

I'm looking at http://www.opengroup.org/pubs/online/7908799/xsh/pthread.h.html trying to understand mutexs and semaphores. Windows makes a distinction between the two. Is a mutex and semaphore different in unix land?

Is there a tutorial on threading in unix somewhere?

I'm also looking at http://www.opengroup.org/pubs/online/7908799/xns/recv.html hoping to find a tutorial or overview. Anybody know of one?


A mutex is a mutual exclusion sempahore.

http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~beej/guide/ipc/ This starts basic IPC
It has a link to Beej's Socket Programming Tutorial which is also what you need.

I tried that last link and it keeps coming back with Network Timeout. Is there a typo?


NO. Even worse - it's a university system. That means it can go offline for no particular reason :slight_smile: I'm getting the same problem. And I checked the link just before I posted it earlier today.

But it is a valid link.

that link will be down until Monday morning.. FYI!