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<title>Weather & Aviation Page - METAR decoder</title>
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(original script Manuel Heras (manuel@heras-gilsanz.com)
August 2002 -- modified by skystef 2004-2008 -->

<script language="Javascript1.2">
function add_output(text)
    document.encoded.decreport.value = document.encoded.decreport.value + text;

function is_num_digit(ch)
    return ( (ch == '0') || (ch == '1') || (ch == '2') || (ch == '3') ||
             (ch == '4') || (ch == '5') || (ch == '6') || (ch == '7') ||
             (ch == '8') || (ch == '9') );

function is_alphabetic_char(ch)
    return ( (ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z') );

function decode_token(token)
    // Check if token is "calm wind"
    if(token == "00000KT")

        add_output("Wind...............: calm\n");
     // Check if token is "calm wind"
    if(token == "00000MPS")

        add_output("Wind...............: calm\n");
    // Check if token is "calm wind"
    if(token == "00000KMH")

        add_output("Wind...............: calm\n");

// Check if token is Wind indication
    var reWindKT  = /^(\d{3}|VRB)(\d{2,3})(G\d{2,3})?(KT|MPS|KMH)$/;
        // Wind token: dddss(s){Gss(s)}KT -- ddd is true direction, ss(s) speed in knots
        var myArray = reWindKT.exec(token);
        var units = myArray[4];
        add_output("Wind...............: ");
          add_output(" variable in direction");
          add_output("true direction = " + myArray[1] + " degrees");
        add_output("; speed = " + parseInt(myArray[2],10));
        if(units=="KT") add_output(" knots");
        else if(units=="KMH") add_output(" km/h");
        else if(units=="MPS") add_output(" m/s");
        if(myArray[3] != null)
            if (myArray[3]!="")
                add_output(" with gusts of " + parseInt(myArray[3].substr(1,myArray[3].length),10));
                if(units=="KT") add_output(" knots");
                else if(units=="KMH") add_output(" km/h");
                else if(units=="MPS") add_output(" m/s");

        add_output("\n");  return;

    // Check if token is "variable wind direction"
    var reVariableWind = /^(\d{3})V(\d{3})$/;
        // Variable wind direction: aaaVbbb, aaa and bbb are directions in clockwise order
        add_output("Wind direction.....: variable between "+token.substr(0,3)+" and "+token.substr(4,3)+" degrees \n");

    // Check if token is visibility
    var reVis = /^(\d{4})(N|S)?(E|W)?$/;
        var myArray = reVis.exec(token);
        add_output("Visibility.........: ");
          add_output("10 km or more");
        else if (myArray[1]=="0000")
          add_output("less than 50 m");
          add_output(parseInt(myArray[1],10) + " m");

    var dir = "";
        if(typeof myArray[2] != "undefined")
          dir=dir + myArray[2];
        if(typeof myArray[3] != "undefined")
          dir=dir + myArray[3];
        if(dir != "")
          add_output(" direction ");
          if(dir=="N") add_output("North");
          else if(dir=="NE") add_output("North East");
          else if(dir=="E") add_output("East");
          else if(dir=="SE") add_output("South East");
          else if(dir=="S") add_output("South");
          else if(dir=="SW") add_output("South West");
          else if(dir=="W") add_output("West");
          else if(dir=="NW") add_output("North West");
        add_output("\n"); return;

    // Check if token is Statute-Miles visibility
     var reVisUS = /(SM)$/;
      add_output("Visibility: ");
      var myVisArray = token.split("S");
      add_output(" Statute Miles\n");

    // Check if token is QNH indication in mmHg or hPa
    var reQNHhPa = /Q\d{3,4}/;
        // QNH token: Qpppp -- pppp is pressure hPa 
        add_output("QNH (msl pressure).: ");
        add_output(parseInt(token.substr(1,4),10) + " hPa"); 
        add_output("\n");  return;

    // Check if token is QNH indication in mmHg: Annnn
    var reINHg = /A\d{4}/;
        add_output("QNH: ");
        add_output(token.substr(1,2) + "." + token.substr(3,4) + " inHg");
        add_output("\n");  return;

      // Check if token is NOSIG
      if(token == "NOSIG")
        add_output("Next 2 hours.......: no significant changes\n");

    // Check if token is runway visual range (RVR) indication
    var reRVR = /^R(\d{2})(R|C|L)?\/(M|P)?(\d{4})(V\d{4})?(U|D|N)?$/;
        var myArray = reRVR.exec(token);
        add_output("Runway visibilty...: on runway ");
        if(typeof myArray[2] != "undefined")
          if(myArray[2]=="L") add_output(" Left");
          else if(myArray[2]=="R") add_output(" Right");
          else if(myArray[2]=="C") add_output(" Central");
        add_output(", touchdown zone visual range is ");
        if(typeof myArray[5] != "undefined")
                 // Variable range
            add_output("variable from a minimum of ");
            if(myArray[3]=="P") add_output("more than ");
            else if(myArray[3]=="M") add_output("less than ");
            add_output(" meters");
            add_output(" until a maximum of "+myArray[5].substr(1,myArray[5].length)+" meters");
            if(myArray[5]=="P") add_output("more than ");

          // Single value
          if( (typeof myArray[3] != "undefined") &&
              (typeof myArray[4] != "undefined")    )
            if(myArray[3]=="P") add_output("more than ");
            else if(myArray[3]=="M") add_output("less than ");
            add_output(" meters");

        if( (myArray.length > 5) && (typeof myArray[6] != "undefined") )
          if(myArray[6]=="U") add_output(", and increasing");
          else if(myArray[6]=="D") add_output(", and decreasing");

    // Check if token is CAVOK
        add_output("CAVOK conditions...: Ceiling And Visibility OK, which means visibility 10 kilometers or more, no cloud below 5000 feet or below the minimum sector altitude (whichever is greater), no cumulonimbus, and no weather of significance to aviation at the aerodrome or its vicinity\n");

    // Check if token is a present weather code - The regular expression is a bit
    // long, because several precipitation types can be joined in a token, and I
    // don't see a better way to get all the codes.
        add_output("Weather............: ");
        var myArray = reWX.exec(token);
        for(var i=1;i<myArray.length; i++)
            if(myArray == "-") add_output("light ");
            if(myArray == "+") add_output("heavy ");
            if(myArray == "VC") add_output("in the vicinity ");
            if(myArray == "MI") add_output("shallow ");
            if(myArray == "BC") add_output("patches of ");
            if(myArray == "SH") add_output("shower(s) of ");
            if(myArray == "TS") add_output("thunderstorm ");
            if(myArray == "FZ") add_output("freezing ");
            if(myArray == "PR") add_output("partial ");
            if(myArray == "DZ") add_output("drizzle ");
            if(myArray == "RA") add_output("rain ");
            if(myArray == "SN") add_output("snow ");
            if(myArray == "SG") add_output("snow grains ");
            if(myArray == "IC") add_output("ice crystals ");
            if(myArray == "PL") add_output("ice pellets ");
            if(myArray == "GR") add_output("hail ");
            if(myArray == "GS") add_output("small hail and/or snow pellets ");
            if(myArray == "BR") add_output("mist ");
            if(myArray == "FG") add_output("fog ");
            if(myArray == "FU") add_output("smoke ");
            if(myArray == "VA") add_output("volcanic ash ");
            if(myArray == "DU") add_output("widespread dust ");
            if(myArray == "SA") add_output("sand ");
            if(myArray == "HZ") add_output("haze ");
            if(myArray == "PO") add_output("dust/sand whirls (dust devils)");
            if(myArray == "SQ") add_output("squall ");
            if(myArray == "FC") add_output("funnel cloud(s) (tornado or waterspout) ");
            if(myArray == "SS") add_output("sandstorm ");
            if(myArray == "DS") add_output("duststorm ");
            if(myArray == "DR") add_output("low drifting ");
            if(myArray == "BL") add_output("blowing ");
        add_output("\n");  return;

    // Check if token is recent weather observation
        add_output("Since the previous observation (but not at present), the following\nmeteorological phenomena were observed: ");
        var myArray = reREWX.exec(token);
        for(var i=1;i<myArray.length; i++)
            if(myArray == "-") add_output("light ");
            if(myArray == "+") add_output("heavy ");
            if(myArray == "VC") add_output("in the vicinity ");
            if(myArray == "MI") add_output("shallow ");
            if(myArray == "BC") add_output("patches of ");
            if(myArray == "SH") add_output("shower(s) of ");
            if(myArray == "TS") add_output("thunderstorm ");
            if(myArray == "FZ") add_output("freezing ");
            if(myArray == "PR") add_output("partial ");
            if(myArray == "DZ") add_output("drizzle ");
            if(myArray == "RA") add_output("rain ");
            if(myArray == "SN") add_output("snow ");
            if(myArray == "SG") add_output("snow grains ");
            if(myArray == "IC") add_output("ice crystals ");
            if(myArray == "PL") add_output("ice pellets ");
            if(myArray == "GR") add_output("hail ");
            if(myArray == "GS") add_output("small hail and/or snow pellets ");
            if(myArray == "BR") add_output("mist ");
            if(myArray == "FG") add_output("fog ");
            if(myArray == "FU") add_output("smoke ");
            if(myArray == "VA") add_output("volcanic ash ");
            if(myArray == "DU") add_output("widespread dust ");
            if(myArray == "SA") add_output("sand ");
            if(myArray == "HZ") add_output("haze ");
            if(myArray == "PO") add_output("dust/Sand whirls (dust devils) ");
            if(myArray == "SQ") add_output("squall ");
            if(myArray == "FC") add_output("funnel cloud(s) (tornado or waterspout) ");
            if(myArray == "SS") add_output("sandstorm ");
            if(myArray == "DS") add_output("duststorm ");
            if(myArray == "DR") add_output("low drifting ");
            if(myArray == "BL") add_output("blowing ");

        add_output("\n"); return;

    // Check if token is temperature / dewpoint pair
    var reTempDew = /^(M?\d\d|\/\/)\/(M?\d\d)?$/;
        var myArray = reTempDew.exec(token);

          add_output("Temperature........: -" + myArray[1].substr(1,2) + " degrees Celsius\n");
          add_output("Temperature........: " + myArray[1].substr(0,2) + " degrees Celsius\n");

            add_output("Dewpoint...........: -" + myArray[2].substr(1,2) + " degrees Celsius\n");
            add_output("Dewpoint...........: " + myArray[2].substr(0,2) + " degrees Celsius\n");


    // Check if token is "sky clear" indication
        add_output("no clouds and no restrictions on vertical visibility\n");

    // Check if token is "vertical visibility" indication
    var reVV = /^VV(\d{3}|\/{3})$/;
        // VVddd -- ddd is vertical distance, or /// if unspecified
        var myArray = reVV.exec(token);
        add_output("Vertical visibility");
        if(myArray[1] == "///")
          add_output(" has indefinite ceiling\n");
          add_output(": " + (100*parseInt(myArray[1],10)) + " feet\n");


    // Check if token is cloud indication
    var reCloud = /^(FEW|SCT|BKN|OVC)(\d{3})(CB|TCU)?$/;
        // Clouds: aaadddkk -- aaa indicates amount of sky covered, ddd distance over
        //                     aerodrome level, and kk the type of cloud.
        var myArray = reCloud.exec(token);
        add_output("Cloud coverage.....: ");
        if(myArray[1] == "FEW") add_output("few (1 to 2 oktas)");
        else if(myArray[1] == "SCT") add_output("scattered (3 to 4 oktas)");
        else if(myArray[1] == "BKN") add_output("broken (5 to 7 oktas)");
        else if(myArray[1] == "OVC") add_output("overcast (8 oktas)");
        add_output(" at " + (100*parseInt(myArray[2],10)) + " feet above aerodrome level");

        if(myArray[3] == "CB") add_output(" cumulonimbus");
        else if(myArray[3] == "TCU") add_output(" towering cumulus");

        add_output("\n"); return; 

    // Check if token is part of a wind-shear indication
    var reRWY = /^RWY(\d{2})(L|C|R)?$/;
    if(token=="WS")       { add_output("there is wind-shear in "); return; }
    else if(token=="ALL") { add_output("all "); return; }
    else if(token=="RWY") { add_output("runways\n"); return; }
    else if (reRWY.test(token))
        var myArray = reRWY.exec(token);
        add_output("runway "+myArray[1]);
        if(myArray[2]=="L")      add_output(" Left");
        else if(myArray[2]=="C") add_output(" Central");
        else if(myArray[2]=="R") add_output(" Right");

    // Check if token is no-significant-weather indication
        add_output("no significant weather\n");

    // Check if token is no-significant-clouds indication
        add_output("Clouds.............: no significant clouds are observed below 5000 feet or below the minimum sector altitude (whichever is higher)\n");

// Check if token is part of trend indication
        add_output("Next 2hrs gradually:\n");
        add_output("Next 2hrs temporary:\n");
    var reFM = /^FM(\d{2})(\d{2})Z?$/;
        var myArray = reFM.exec(token);
        add_output("From "+myArray[1]+":"+myArray[2]+" UTC.....:\n");
    var reTL = /^TL(\d{2})(\d{2})Z?$/;
        var myArray = reTL.exec(token);
        add_output("Until "+myArray[1]+":"+myArray[2]+" UTC....:\n");
    var reAT = /^AT(\d{2})(\d{2})Z?$/;
        var myArray = reAT.exec(token);
        add_output("At "+myArray[1]+":"+myArray[2]+" UTC.......:\n");

    // Check if item is runway state group
    var reRSG = /^(\d\d)(\d|C|\/)(\d|L|\/)(\d\d|RD|\/)(\d\d)$/;
        var myArray = reRSG.exec(token);
        add_output("Runway state.......:");

        // Runway designator (first 2 digits)
        var r = parseInt(myArray[1],10);
        if(r < 50) add_output(" Runway " + myArray[1] + " (or "+myArray[1]+" Left): ");
        else if(r < 88) add_output(" Runway " + (r-50) + " Right: ");
        else if(r == 88) add_output(" All runways: ");

        // Check if "CLRD" occurs in digits 3-6
        if(token.substr(2,4)=="CLRD") add_output("clear, ");
          // Runway deposits (third digit)
          if(myArray[2]=="0") add_output("clear and dry, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="1") add_output("damp, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="2") add_output("wet or water patches, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="3") add_output("rime or frost covered, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="4") add_output("dry snow, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="5") add_output("wet snow, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="6") add_output("slush, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="7") add_output("ice, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="8") add_output("compacted or rolled snow, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="9") add_output("frozen ruts or ridges, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="/") add_output("deposit not reported, ");

          // Extent of runway contamination (fourth digit)
          if(myArray[3]=="1") add_output("contamination 10% or less, ");
          else if(myArray[3]=="2") add_output("contamination 11% to 25%, ");
          else if(myArray[3]=="5") add_output("contamination 26% to 50%, ");
          else if(myArray[3]=="9") add_output("contamination 51% to 100%, ");
          else if(myArray[3]=="/") add_output("contamination not reported, ");

          // Depth of deposit (fifth and sixth digits)
          if(myArray[4]=="//") add_output("depth of deposit not reported, ");
              var d = parseInt(myArray[4],10);
              if(d == 0) add_output("deposit less than 1 mm deep, ");
              else if ((d >  0) && (d < 91)) add_output("deposit is "+d+" mm deep, ");
              else if (d == 92) add_output("deposit is 10 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 93) add_output("deposit is 15 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 94) add_output("deposit is 20 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 95) add_output("deposit is 25 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 96) add_output("deposit is 30 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 97) add_output("deposit is 35 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 98) add_output("deposit is 40 cm or more deep, ");
              else if (d == 99) add_output("runway(s) is/are non-operational due to snow, slush, ice, large drifts or runway clearance, but depth of deposit is not reported, ");

        // Friction coefficient or braking action (seventh and eighth digit)
        if(myArray[5]=="//") add_output("braking action not reported");
            var b = parseInt(myArray[5],10);
            if(b<91) add_output("friction coefficient 0."+myArray[5]);
                 if(b == 91) add_output("braking action is poor");
                 else if(b == 92) add_output("braking action is medium/poor");
                 else if(b == 93) add_output("braking action is medium");
                 else if(b == 94) add_output("braking action is medium/good");
                 else if(b == 95) add_output("braking action is good");
                 else if(b == 99) add_output("braking action figures are unreliable");
        add_output("\n"); return;

        add_output("Aerodrome is closed due to snow on runways\n");

    // Check if item is sea status indication
    reSea = /^W(M)?(\d\d)\/S(\d)/;
        var myArray = reSea.exec(token);
        add_output("Sea surface temperature: ");
        add_output(parseInt(myArray[2],10) + " degrees Celsius\n");

        add_output("Sea waves have height: ");
        if(myArray[3]=="0") add_output("0 m (calm)\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="1") add_output("0-0,1 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="2") add_output("0,1-0,5 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="3") add_output("0,5-1,25 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="4") add_output("1,25-2,5 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="5") add_output("2,5-4 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="6") add_output("4-6 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="7") add_output("6-9 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="8") add_output("9-14 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="9") add_output("more than 14 m (huge!)\n");

function metar_decode(text)
    document.encoded.decreport.value = "";

    // Join newline-separated pieces...
    var newlineJoined = text.replace(/\n/, " ");

    // An '=' finishes the report
    var equalPosition = newlineJoined.indexOf("=");
    if (equalPosition > -1)
        alert("End of a METAR report is indicated by '='. We only decode until the first '='!!");
        newlineJoined = newlineJoined.substr(0,equalPosition);

    arrayOfTokens = newlineJoined.split(" ");
    var numToken = 0;

    // Check if initial token is non-METAR date
    var reDate = /^\d\d\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d/;
    if (reDate.test(arrayOfTokens[numToken]))

    // Check if initial token is non-METAR time
    var reTime = /^\d\d:\d\d/;
    if (reTime.test(arrayOfTokens[numToken]))

    // Check if initial token indicates type of report
    if(arrayOfTokens[numToken] == "METAR")
    else if(arrayOfTokens[numToken] == "SPECI")
        add_output("Report is a SPECIAL report\n");

    // Parse location token
    if (arrayOfTokens[numToken].length == 4)
        add_output("Location...........: " + arrayOfTokens[numToken] + "\n");
        add_output("Invalid report: malformed location token '" + arrayOfTokens[numToken] + "' \n-- it should be 4 characters long!");

    // Parse date-time token -- we allow time specifications without final 'Z'
    if ( (
           ( (arrayOfTokens[numToken].length == 7) &&
             (arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(6) == 'Z') ) ||
           ( arrayOfTokens[numToken].length == 6 )
         ) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(0)) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(1)) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(2)) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(3)) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(4)) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(5))    )
        add_output("Day of month.......: " + arrayOfTokens[numToken].substr(0,2) + "\n");
        add_output("Time...............: " + arrayOfTokens[numToken].substr(2,2) +":" +
                              arrayOfTokens[numToken].substr(4,2) + " UTC");

        if(arrayOfTokens[numToken].length == 6)
            add_output(" (Time specification is non-compliant!)");

        add_output("Time token not found or with wrong format!");

    // Check if "AUTO" or "COR" token comes next.
    if (arrayOfTokens[numToken] == "AUTO")
        add_output("Report is fully automated, with no human intervention or oversight\n");
    else if (arrayOfTokens[numToken] == "COR")
        add_output("Report is a correction over a METAR or SPECI report\n");

    // Parse remaining tokens
    for (var i=numToken; i<arrayOfTokens.length; i++)
        if(arrayOfTokens.length > 0)

function ejem(text)

<h1><center>METAR Decoder</center> </h1>
<center><table border="0" width="88%">
    <td width="93%">
<center><font size="3">
Type or copy-paste a METAR report in the text box, press "Decode" and the report will be
decoded into plain language.</font></center></td>

<center><form NAME="encoded" align="center">
        Encoded report in METAR format:
  <textarea name="report" cols="80" rows="5"></textarea>
    <input type="button" name="decode" value="Decode" onClick="metar_decode(this.form.report.value);">
    <input type="button" name="reset" value="Clear" onClick="this.form.report.value=''; this.form.decreport.value='';">
    <input type="button" name="example" value="Example " onClick="this.form.report.value='EBBR 212320Z 19020KT 5000 TSGSRA SCT015TCU BKN022CB 07/06 Q0993 BECMG 9999 NSW'; metar_decode(this.form.report.value);">
Decoded report:
<textarea name="decreport" cols="80" rows="30"></textarea>
<left><p>Real time METARS & TAFS can�be found via:<p><A HREF="http://www.skystef.be/metar-taf.htm"><IMG SRC="http://www.unix.com/images/Mini/taf.jpg" width="218" height="23"></a>

<table border="0" width="80%">
    <td width="80%"><b>Note 1</b>: Javascript must be enabled.<br>
      Note 2</b>: US-specific METAR format is not supported.<br>
      <b>Note 3</b>:
<font size="3">
When copy-paste: in some cases add one space
behind the METAR, otherwise the last part called "TREND" will not, or
only partly, decoded.</font><br>
      Note 4</b>: METARS of military airfields contain behind the QNH a colour state.
      The first colour mean the actual condition, if a second colour is given
      this means an outlook for the next 2 hours. The colour state decoding: �<br>
      <table border="1" width="100%">
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><b><font size="2">�
            <!--[if supportFields]><span
  style='mso-element:field-end'></span><![endif]-->Visibility / lowest cloudbase
            (3 oktas or more)</font></b></td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">>= 2500 ft</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">1500-2499 ft</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">700-1499 ft</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">300-699 ft</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">200-299 ft</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">< 200 ft</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">>=
            8 km<o:p>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#00FFFF">BLU</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">WHT</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#00FF00">GRN</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00">YLO</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF9900">AMB</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">RED</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">5000-7999 m</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">WHT</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">WHT</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#00FF00">GRN</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00">YLO</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF9900">AMB</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">RED</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">3700-4999 m</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#00FF00">GRN</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#00FF00">GRN</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#00FF00">GRN</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00">YLO</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF9900">AMB</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">RED</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">1600-3699 m</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00">YLO</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00">YLO</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00">YLO</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00">YLO</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF9900">AMB</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">RED</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">800-1599 m</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF9900">AMB</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF9900">AMB</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF9900">AMB</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF9900">AMB</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF9900">AMB</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">RED</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">< 800 m</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">RED</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">RED</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">RED</td>
          <td width="14%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">RED</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">RED</td>
          <td width="15%" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">RED</td>


  <p><b>Note 5</b>: Although the decoder has been tested it still might contain some
      erros. If you find some of them please contact me.</p>





<b><font size="6">TAF Decoder</font></b>


<p><font size="3">The TAF code is essentially the same as the METAR code but with following


<table border="1" width="80%">
    <td width="20%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="3">Group</font></td>
    <td width="60%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><center>Explanation</td>
    <td width="20%"><code><font size="3"><strong>BECMG</strong>  </font><font size="2"> aabb</font></code></td>
    <td width="60%">A gradual change in weather between <code>aa</code> and <code>bb</code>
    <td width="20%"><code><font size="3"><strong>TEMPO</strong>  </font><font size="2"> aabb</font></code></td>
    <td width="60%">Temporary (less than half of period <font size="2">aabb</font>) changes in weather between <code>aa</code>
      and <code>bb</code> hours.</td>
    <td width="20%"><code><strong><font size="3">FM</font></strong><font size="2">hhmm</font></code></td>
    <td width="60%">A quick (in less than 60 min) change in weather occurring at
      <code>hh</code> hours and <code>mm</code> minutes</td>
    <td width="20%"><code><strong><font size="3">TL</font></strong><font size="2">hhmm</font></code></td>
    <td width="60%">A change in weather by <code>hh</code> hours and <code>mm</code>
    <td width="20%"><code><strong><font size="3">AT</font></strong><font size="2">hhmm</font></code></td>
    <td width="60%">A change in weather occurring at <code>hh</code> hours and <code>mm</code>
    <td width="20%"><code><font size="3"><strong>PROB</strong>  </font><font size="2"> pp
    <td width="60%">Following weather will take place with a probability of <code>pp</code>
      percent between aa and bb hours</td>
    <td width="20%"><code><strong><font size="3">NSW</font></strong></code></td>
    <td width="60%">No significant weather.</td>
    <td width="20%"><code><font size="3"><strong>T</strong></font><font size="2">tt/hh</font><strong><font size="3">Z</font></strong></code></td>
    <td width="60%">The temperature is predicted to be <code>tt</code> degrees
      Celsius at <code>hh</code> hours.</td>
    <td width="20%"><code><font size="3"><strong>TX</strong></font><font size="2">tt/hh</font><strong><font size="3">Z</font></strong></code></td>
    <td width="60%">The maximum temperature is predicted to be <code>tt</code>
      degrees Celsius at <code>hh</code> hours.</td>
    <td width="20%"><code><font size="3"><strong>TN</strong></font><font size="2">tt/hh</font><strong><font size="3">Z</font></strong></code></td>
    <td width="60%">The minimum temperature is predicted to be <code>tt</code>
      degrees Celsius at <code>hh</code> hours.</td>






    <p>�</p> <p>�</p> <p>�</p> <p>�</p>



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whats your question ?

i want that the work which is done by this html page (javascript) can be done by making a shell script....

hmm, what you tried so far ?

please use [code] tag The UNIX and Linux Forums - BB Code List

mainly i want to use the following script in linux (shell scriipt)

<script language="Javascript1.2">
function add_output(text)
    document.encoded.decreport.value = document.encoded.decreport.value + text;

function is_num_digit(ch)
    return ( (ch == '0') || (ch == '1') || (ch == '2') || (ch == '3') ||
             (ch == '4') || (ch == '5') || (ch == '6') || (ch == '7') ||
             (ch == '8') || (ch == '9') );

function is_alphabetic_char(ch)
    return ( (ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z') );

function decode_token(token)
    // Check if token is "calm wind"
    if(token == "00000KT")

        add_output("Wind...............: calm\n");
     // Check if token is "calm wind"
    if(token == "00000MPS")

        add_output("Wind...............: calm\n");
    // Check if token is "calm wind"
    if(token == "00000KMH")

        add_output("Wind...............: calm\n");

// Check if token is Wind indication
    var reWindKT  = /^(\d{3}|VRB)(\d{2,3})(G\d{2,3})?(KT|MPS|KMH)$/;
        // Wind token: dddss(s){Gss(s)}KT -- ddd is true direction, ss(s) speed in knots
        var myArray = reWindKT.exec(token);
        var units = myArray[4];
        add_output("Wind...............: ");
          add_output(" variable in direction");
          add_output("true direction = " + myArray[1] + " degrees");
        add_output("; speed = " + parseInt(myArray[2],10));
        if(units=="KT") add_output(" knots");
        else if(units=="KMH") add_output(" km/h");
        else if(units=="MPS") add_output(" m/s");
        if(myArray[3] != null)
            if (myArray[3]!="")
                add_output(" with gusts of " + parseInt(myArray[3].substr(1,myArray[3].length),10));
                if(units=="KT") add_output(" knots");
                else if(units=="KMH") add_output(" km/h");
                else if(units=="MPS") add_output(" m/s");

        add_output("\n");  return;

    // Check if token is "variable wind direction"
    var reVariableWind = /^(\d{3})V(\d{3})$/;
        // Variable wind direction: aaaVbbb, aaa and bbb are directions in clockwise order
        add_output("Wind direction.....: variable between "+token.substr(0,3)+" and "+token.substr(4,3)+" degrees \n");

    // Check if token is visibility
    var reVis = /^(\d{4})(N|S)?(E|W)?$/;
        var myArray = reVis.exec(token);
        add_output("Visibility.........: ");
          add_output("10 km or more");
        else if (myArray[1]=="0000")
          add_output("less than 50 m");
          add_output(parseInt(myArray[1],10) + " m");

    var dir = "";
        if(typeof myArray[2] != "undefined")
          dir=dir + myArray[2];
        if(typeof myArray[3] != "undefined")
          dir=dir + myArray[3];
        if(dir != "")
          add_output(" direction ");
          if(dir=="N") add_output("North");
          else if(dir=="NE") add_output("North East");
          else if(dir=="E") add_output("East");
          else if(dir=="SE") add_output("South East");
          else if(dir=="S") add_output("South");
          else if(dir=="SW") add_output("South West");
          else if(dir=="W") add_output("West");
          else if(dir=="NW") add_output("North West");
        add_output("\n"); return;

    // Check if token is Statute-Miles visibility
     var reVisUS = /(SM)$/;
      add_output("Visibility: ");
      var myVisArray = token.split("S");
      add_output(" Statute Miles\n");

    // Check if token is QNH indication in mmHg or hPa
    var reQNHhPa = /Q\d{3,4}/;
        // QNH token: Qpppp -- pppp is pressure hPa 
        add_output("QNH (msl pressure).: ");
        add_output(parseInt(token.substr(1,4),10) + " hPa"); 
        add_output("\n");  return;

    // Check if token is QNH indication in mmHg: Annnn
    var reINHg = /A\d{4}/;
        add_output("QNH: ");
        add_output(token.substr(1,2) + "." + token.substr(3,4) + " inHg");
        add_output("\n");  return;

      // Check if token is NOSIG
      if(token == "NOSIG")
        add_output("Next 2 hours.......: no significant changes\n");

    // Check if token is runway visual range (RVR) indication
    var reRVR = /^R(\d{2})(R|C|L)?\/(M|P)?(\d{4})(V\d{4})?(U|D|N)?$/;
        var myArray = reRVR.exec(token);
        add_output("Runway visibilty...: on runway ");
        if(typeof myArray[2] != "undefined")
          if(myArray[2]=="L") add_output(" Left");
          else if(myArray[2]=="R") add_output(" Right");
          else if(myArray[2]=="C") add_output(" Central");
        add_output(", touchdown zone visual range is ");
        if(typeof myArray[5] != "undefined")
                 // Variable range
            add_output("variable from a minimum of ");
            if(myArray[3]=="P") add_output("more than ");
            else if(myArray[3]=="M") add_output("less than ");
            add_output(" meters");
            add_output(" until a maximum of "+myArray[5].substr(1,myArray[5].length)+" meters");
            if(myArray[5]=="P") add_output("more than ");

          // Single value
          if( (typeof myArray[3] != "undefined") &&
              (typeof myArray[4] != "undefined")    )
            if(myArray[3]=="P") add_output("more than ");
            else if(myArray[3]=="M") add_output("less than ");
            add_output(" meters");

        if( (myArray.length > 5) && (typeof myArray[6] != "undefined") )
          if(myArray[6]=="U") add_output(", and increasing");
          else if(myArray[6]=="D") add_output(", and decreasing");

    // Check if token is CAVOK
        add_output("CAVOK conditions...: Ceiling And Visibility OK, which means visibility 10 kilometers or more, no cloud below 5000 feet or below the minimum sector altitude (whichever is greater), no cumulonimbus, and no weather of significance to aviation at the aerodrome or its vicinity\n");

    // Check if token is a present weather code - The regular expression is a bit
    // long, because several precipitation types can be joined in a token, and I
    // don't see a better way to get all the codes.
        add_output("Weather............: ");
        var myArray = reWX.exec(token);
        for(var i=1;i<myArray.length; i++)
            if(myArray == "-") add_output("light ");
            if(myArray == "+") add_output("heavy ");
            if(myArray == "VC") add_output("in the vicinity ");
            if(myArray == "MI") add_output("shallow ");
            if(myArray == "BC") add_output("patches of ");
            if(myArray == "SH") add_output("shower(s) of ");
            if(myArray == "TS") add_output("thunderstorm ");
            if(myArray == "FZ") add_output("freezing ");
            if(myArray == "PR") add_output("partial ");
            if(myArray == "DZ") add_output("drizzle ");
            if(myArray == "RA") add_output("rain ");
            if(myArray == "SN") add_output("snow ");
            if(myArray == "SG") add_output("snow grains ");
            if(myArray == "IC") add_output("ice crystals ");
            if(myArray == "PL") add_output("ice pellets ");
            if(myArray == "GR") add_output("hail ");
            if(myArray == "GS") add_output("small hail and/or snow pellets ");
            if(myArray == "BR") add_output("mist ");
            if(myArray == "FG") add_output("fog ");
            if(myArray == "FU") add_output("smoke ");
            if(myArray == "VA") add_output("volcanic ash ");
            if(myArray == "DU") add_output("widespread dust ");
            if(myArray == "SA") add_output("sand ");
            if(myArray == "HZ") add_output("haze ");
            if(myArray == "PO") add_output("dust/sand whirls (dust devils)");
            if(myArray == "SQ") add_output("squall ");
            if(myArray == "FC") add_output("funnel cloud(s) (tornado or waterspout) ");
            if(myArray == "SS") add_output("sandstorm ");
            if(myArray == "DS") add_output("duststorm ");
            if(myArray == "DR") add_output("low drifting ");
            if(myArray == "BL") add_output("blowing ");
        add_output("\n");  return;

    // Check if token is recent weather observation
        add_output("Since the previous observation (but not at present), the following\nmeteorological phenomena were observed: ");
        var myArray = reREWX.exec(token);
        for(var i=1;i<myArray.length; i++)
            if(myArray == "-") add_output("light ");
            if(myArray == "+") add_output("heavy ");
            if(myArray == "VC") add_output("in the vicinity ");
            if(myArray == "MI") add_output("shallow ");
            if(myArray == "BC") add_output("patches of ");
            if(myArray == "SH") add_output("shower(s) of ");
            if(myArray == "TS") add_output("thunderstorm ");
            if(myArray == "FZ") add_output("freezing ");
            if(myArray == "PR") add_output("partial ");
            if(myArray == "DZ") add_output("drizzle ");
            if(myArray == "RA") add_output("rain ");
            if(myArray == "SN") add_output("snow ");
            if(myArray == "SG") add_output("snow grains ");
            if(myArray == "IC") add_output("ice crystals ");
            if(myArray == "PL") add_output("ice pellets ");
            if(myArray == "GR") add_output("hail ");
            if(myArray == "GS") add_output("small hail and/or snow pellets ");
            if(myArray == "BR") add_output("mist ");
            if(myArray == "FG") add_output("fog ");
            if(myArray == "FU") add_output("smoke ");
            if(myArray == "VA") add_output("volcanic ash ");
            if(myArray == "DU") add_output("widespread dust ");
            if(myArray == "SA") add_output("sand ");
            if(myArray == "HZ") add_output("haze ");
            if(myArray == "PO") add_output("dust/Sand whirls (dust devils) ");
            if(myArray == "SQ") add_output("squall ");
            if(myArray == "FC") add_output("funnel cloud(s) (tornado or waterspout) ");
            if(myArray == "SS") add_output("sandstorm ");
            if(myArray == "DS") add_output("duststorm ");
            if(myArray == "DR") add_output("low drifting ");
            if(myArray == "BL") add_output("blowing ");

        add_output("\n"); return;

    // Check if token is temperature / dewpoint pair
    var reTempDew = /^(M?\d\d|\/\/)\/(M?\d\d)?$/;
        var myArray = reTempDew.exec(token);

          add_output("Temperature........: -" + myArray[1].substr(1,2) + " degrees Celsius\n");
          add_output("Temperature........: " + myArray[1].substr(0,2) + " degrees Celsius\n");

            add_output("Dewpoint...........: -" + myArray[2].substr(1,2) + " degrees Celsius\n");
            add_output("Dewpoint...........: " + myArray[2].substr(0,2) + " degrees Celsius\n");


    // Check if token is "sky clear" indication
        add_output("no clouds and no restrictions on vertical visibility\n");

    // Check if token is "vertical visibility" indication
    var reVV = /^VV(\d{3}|\/{3})$/;
        // VVddd -- ddd is vertical distance, or /// if unspecified
        var myArray = reVV.exec(token);
        add_output("Vertical visibility");
        if(myArray[1] == "///")
          add_output(" has indefinite ceiling\n");
          add_output(": " + (100*parseInt(myArray[1],10)) + " feet\n");


    // Check if token is cloud indication
    var reCloud = /^(FEW|SCT|BKN|OVC)(\d{3})(CB|TCU)?$/;
        // Clouds: aaadddkk -- aaa indicates amount of sky covered, ddd distance over
        //                     aerodrome level, and kk the type of cloud.
        var myArray = reCloud.exec(token);
        add_output("Cloud coverage.....: ");
        if(myArray[1] == "FEW") add_output("few (1 to 2 oktas)");
        else if(myArray[1] == "SCT") add_output("scattered (3 to 4 oktas)");
        else if(myArray[1] == "BKN") add_output("broken (5 to 7 oktas)");
        else if(myArray[1] == "OVC") add_output("overcast (8 oktas)");
        add_output(" at " + (100*parseInt(myArray[2],10)) + " feet above aerodrome level");

        if(myArray[3] == "CB") add_output(" cumulonimbus");
        else if(myArray[3] == "TCU") add_output(" towering cumulus");

        add_output("\n"); return; 

    // Check if token is part of a wind-shear indication
    var reRWY = /^RWY(\d{2})(L|C|R)?$/;
    if(token=="WS")       { add_output("there is wind-shear in "); return; }
    else if(token=="ALL") { add_output("all "); return; }
    else if(token=="RWY") { add_output("runways\n"); return; }
    else if (reRWY.test(token))
        var myArray = reRWY.exec(token);
        add_output("runway "+myArray[1]);
        if(myArray[2]=="L")      add_output(" Left");
        else if(myArray[2]=="C") add_output(" Central");
        else if(myArray[2]=="R") add_output(" Right");

    // Check if token is no-significant-weather indication
        add_output("no significant weather\n");

    // Check if token is no-significant-clouds indication
        add_output("Clouds.............: no significant clouds are observed below 5000 feet or below the minimum sector altitude (whichever is higher)\n");

// Check if token is part of trend indication
        add_output("Next 2hrs gradually:\n");
        add_output("Next 2hrs temporary:\n");
    var reFM = /^FM(\d{2})(\d{2})Z?$/;
        var myArray = reFM.exec(token);
        add_output("From "+myArray[1]+":"+myArray[2]+" UTC.....:\n");
    var reTL = /^TL(\d{2})(\d{2})Z?$/;
        var myArray = reTL.exec(token);
        add_output("Until "+myArray[1]+":"+myArray[2]+" UTC....:\n");
    var reAT = /^AT(\d{2})(\d{2})Z?$/;
        var myArray = reAT.exec(token);
        add_output("At "+myArray[1]+":"+myArray[2]+" UTC.......:\n");

    // Check if item is runway state group
    var reRSG = /^(\d\d)(\d|C|\/)(\d|L|\/)(\d\d|RD|\/)(\d\d)$/;
        var myArray = reRSG.exec(token);
        add_output("Runway state.......:");

        // Runway designator (first 2 digits)
        var r = parseInt(myArray[1],10);
        if(r < 50) add_output(" Runway " + myArray[1] + " (or "+myArray[1]+" Left): ");
        else if(r < 88) add_output(" Runway " + (r-50) + " Right: ");
        else if(r == 88) add_output(" All runways: ");

        // Check if "CLRD" occurs in digits 3-6
        if(token.substr(2,4)=="CLRD") add_output("clear, ");
          // Runway deposits (third digit)
          if(myArray[2]=="0") add_output("clear and dry, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="1") add_output("damp, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="2") add_output("wet or water patches, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="3") add_output("rime or frost covered, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="4") add_output("dry snow, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="5") add_output("wet snow, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="6") add_output("slush, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="7") add_output("ice, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="8") add_output("compacted or rolled snow, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="9") add_output("frozen ruts or ridges, ");
          else if(myArray[2]=="/") add_output("deposit not reported, ");

          // Extent of runway contamination (fourth digit)
          if(myArray[3]=="1") add_output("contamination 10% or less, ");
          else if(myArray[3]=="2") add_output("contamination 11% to 25%, ");
          else if(myArray[3]=="5") add_output("contamination 26% to 50%, ");
          else if(myArray[3]=="9") add_output("contamination 51% to 100%, ");
          else if(myArray[3]=="/") add_output("contamination not reported, ");

          // Depth of deposit (fifth and sixth digits)
          if(myArray[4]=="//") add_output("depth of deposit not reported, ");
              var d = parseInt(myArray[4],10);
              if(d == 0) add_output("deposit less than 1 mm deep, ");
              else if ((d >  0) && (d < 91)) add_output("deposit is "+d+" mm deep, ");
              else if (d == 92) add_output("deposit is 10 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 93) add_output("deposit is 15 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 94) add_output("deposit is 20 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 95) add_output("deposit is 25 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 96) add_output("deposit is 30 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 97) add_output("deposit is 35 cm deep, ");
              else if (d == 98) add_output("deposit is 40 cm or more deep, ");
              else if (d == 99) add_output("runway(s) is/are non-operational due to snow, slush, ice, large drifts or runway clearance, but depth of deposit is not reported, ");

        // Friction coefficient or braking action (seventh and eighth digit)
        if(myArray[5]=="//") add_output("braking action not reported");
            var b = parseInt(myArray[5],10);
            if(b<91) add_output("friction coefficient 0."+myArray[5]);
                 if(b == 91) add_output("braking action is poor");
                 else if(b == 92) add_output("braking action is medium/poor");
                 else if(b == 93) add_output("braking action is medium");
                 else if(b == 94) add_output("braking action is medium/good");
                 else if(b == 95) add_output("braking action is good");
                 else if(b == 99) add_output("braking action figures are unreliable");
        add_output("\n"); return;

        add_output("Aerodrome is closed due to snow on runways\n");

    // Check if item is sea status indication
    reSea = /^W(M)?(\d\d)\/S(\d)/;
        var myArray = reSea.exec(token);
        add_output("Sea surface temperature: ");
        add_output(parseInt(myArray[2],10) + " degrees Celsius\n");

        add_output("Sea waves have height: ");
        if(myArray[3]=="0") add_output("0 m (calm)\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="1") add_output("0-0,1 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="2") add_output("0,1-0,5 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="3") add_output("0,5-1,25 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="4") add_output("1,25-2,5 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="5") add_output("2,5-4 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="6") add_output("4-6 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="7") add_output("6-9 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="8") add_output("9-14 m\n");
        else if(myArray[3]=="9") add_output("more than 14 m (huge!)\n");

function metar_decode(text)
    document.encoded.decreport.value = "";

    // Join newline-separated pieces...
    var newlineJoined = text.replace(/\n/, " ");

    // An '=' finishes the report
    var equalPosition = newlineJoined.indexOf("=");
    if (equalPosition > -1)
        alert("End of a METAR report is indicated by '='. We only decode until the first '='!!");
        newlineJoined = newlineJoined.substr(0,equalPosition);

    arrayOfTokens = newlineJoined.split(" ");
    var numToken = 0;

    // Check if initial token is non-METAR date
    var reDate = /^\d\d\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d/;
    if (reDate.test(arrayOfTokens[numToken]))

    // Check if initial token is non-METAR time
    var reTime = /^\d\d:\d\d/;
    if (reTime.test(arrayOfTokens[numToken]))

    // Check if initial token indicates type of report
    if(arrayOfTokens[numToken] == "METAR")
    else if(arrayOfTokens[numToken] == "SPECI")
        add_output("Report is a SPECIAL report\n");

    // Parse location token
    if (arrayOfTokens[numToken].length == 4)
        add_output("Location...........: " + arrayOfTokens[numToken] + "\n");
        add_output("Invalid report: malformed location token '" + arrayOfTokens[numToken] + "' \n-- it should be 4 characters long!");

    // Parse date-time token -- we allow time specifications without final 'Z'
    if ( (
           ( (arrayOfTokens[numToken].length == 7) &&
             (arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(6) == 'Z') ) ||
           ( arrayOfTokens[numToken].length == 6 )
         ) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(0)) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(1)) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(2)) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(3)) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(4)) &&
         is_num_digit(arrayOfTokens[numToken].charAt(5))    )
        add_output("Day of month.......: " + arrayOfTokens[numToken].substr(0,2) + "\n");
        add_output("Time...............: " + arrayOfTokens[numToken].substr(2,2) +":" +
                              arrayOfTokens[numToken].substr(4,2) + " UTC");

        if(arrayOfTokens[numToken].length == 6)
            add_output(" (Time specification is non-compliant!)");

        add_output("Time token not found or with wrong format!");

    // Check if "AUTO" or "COR" token comes next.
    if (arrayOfTokens[numToken] == "AUTO")
        add_output("Report is fully automated, with no human intervention or oversight\n");
    else if (arrayOfTokens[numToken] == "COR")
        add_output("Report is a correction over a METAR or SPECI report\n");

    // Parse remaining tokens
    for (var i=numToken; i<arrayOfTokens.length; i++)
        if(arrayOfTokens.length > 0)

function ejem(text)
