want to specific line which i will give through variable


I have a file on unix which contains


 1  \# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
 2  \# that require network functionality will fail.
 3               romhelp3 localhost.localdomain localhost
 5            blind17       \# TCH Test Server
 6            roMltydl        ffsrvr \# NCR S1600 - dilbert
 7             lab1           \# 

just i wanted to display line that i will give line number through variable

script is like this
echo "enter option"
read ss
sed -n '${ss}p' $FILE

I tried with grep and fgrep command but these commands are not working.
so finally i got the sed command that display specific line number.
if i give "sed -n '5p' <file name>" which is working without any problem.
when i passing though a variable it is giving error.....

Pls suggest me to get it dong....

use double quotes

sed -n "${ss}p" $FILE

Thanks jim

it is working ..... :wink: