want to remove last word.


I have a file which has the following


I want to do something like this


I need to ignore the last word *.dbf
and use uniq command to find the mount point for checking space usage

df -m /u12/data/oracle
df -m /u12/data/oracledb


while read line; do
   dirname "$line"
done <INPUTFILE | sort -u | xargs df -m

Using awk:

$ awk ' /\/[^/]*.dbf$/ { sub("/[^/]*.dbf$","") ; A[$0]++ } 
END {for(dir in A) print "df -m " dir }' infile
df -m /u12/data/oracle
df -m /u12/data/oracledb

If your happy with the output you can use system() to run the df commands instead of print.

$ nawk -F/ '{$NF= ""; print}' infile | sed 's, ,/,g;s,^,df -m ,g' | sh
sed -e 's!/[^/]*$!!' infile | uniq | xargs df -m
awk -F/ 'BEGIN{OFS="/"}{$NF="";print}' test | sort -u | xargs df -m
awk -F/ '{NF--;a[$0]}END{for(i in a) print i}' OFS=/  file | xargs df -m
for i in $(sed 's/^ //g;s/\(.*\)\/.*$/\1/' infile|sed '$!N;/^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P;D')
> do df -m $i ; done