want to query : YES or NO


i want to make script. where i want to query from the user yes or no

exp: do you want to proceed :
y for yes
n for NO.

how this is possible in unix

something like:

read -p "Do you want to proceed [YES/NO] : " K
case $K in
    yes|YES)  echo "you answered YES"; exit 0 ;;
    no|NO)  echo "you answered NO"; exit 1 ;;
    *)  echo "You must answer YES or NO"; exit 2 ;;

The script can be called like:

if script
   do something

it gives some error:

Do you want to proceed [YES/NO] :
you answered YES
test_test.sh: cannot return when not in function

i want to take some action on yes also.

Oops not return but exit
I'll correct the original post