Wait command help

Hi, Is there any way to know the child process status as and when it finished. If i write like below
nohup sh a1.sh & ### has sleep 20 ;echo a1.sh
nohup sh a2.sh & ### has sleep 10 ;echo a2.sh
nohup sh a3.sh & ### has sleep 5 ;echo a3.sh
This will wait till a1.sh ,a2.sh a3.sh completes. I want to know individual status immediately as it finishes. In the above a3.sh has sleep of 5 , this should come out and display a3.sh. I tried to use wait PID, this command is given one at a time
wait $pid1 ; echo $?
wait $pid2; echo $?
wait $pid3 ; echo $?
Please let me know how this should be done. I don't want wait till all child process finishes. I want it to display as and when it completes. Any help really appreciated.