Vue.js component: Beautiful code highlighter

Sooner than later I will render forum discussions in Vue.js to complement the standard way of showing forum threads.

Today, I ran across this component, vue-code-highlight

Beautiful code syntax highlighting as Vue.js component.


npm install vue-code-highlight --save

We can use this module in two different ways, as a component or as a directive.


//We have to extract the component from the module
import { component as VueCodeHighlight } from 'vue-code-highlight';



 //Paste code and output snippets here

Window styles are already present in a component mode, but we will need to select and include a theme to properly highlight code. (See the themes section.)


In the main file:

import VueCodeHighlight from 'vue-code-highlight';

Vue.use(VueCodeHighlight) //registers the v-highlight directive

And then in any Vue component:

<div v-highlight >


All markup under the div element having the following structure will be syntax highlighted.

<pre class="language-javascript">
    //your code goes here


To give the highlighter a window look in a directive mode, include the ./node_modules/vue-code-highlight/themes/window.css file somewhere in the app.


In order to visually highlight code, we need to select a theme from ./node_modules/vue-code-highlight/themes/ and import it somewhere into the component/application.

Reference: vue-code-highlight - npm

GitHub: GitHub - elisiondesign/vue-code-highlight: Beautiful code highlighter as Vue.js component.

Also, this is a possibility:

GitHub Highlight.js

Reference: Web Page: highlight.js