VSwitch not showing up on VIO Server

Want to run this by you all before opening a PMR with IBM Support.

It's been a few weeks since I have done this so I can't be 100% sure of how I think it worked in the previous version.

We upgraded our HMC's yesterday to 7.7.9 SP2 in hopes of fixing some issues we were having. Today I needed to add a couple virtual network adapters. I first added to the profile and I am unable to select the VSwitch other than Ethernet0 (default) and I am unable to add VLAN's after selecting IEEE tab. If I select the IEEE tab and select OK and then go back to edit that new adapter I can then add the VLAN's I need on that adapter. However I am not able to still select the VSwitch that I am needing to use.

I also tried to do this via DLPAR but I am unable to select anything but the ETHERNET0 VSwitch which does not exist as we replaced it with our own name so the DLPAR function fails.

Ideas appreciated.


Have you checked that you FW level supports and is supported by HMC 7.7.9 SP2?

It's a 9117-MMD and is at FW760.20 (062) according to the support matrix site I found it supports HMC Version V7R790SP2.

IBM - Fix Level Recommendation Tool

Thank you for the reply.

Post error messages/screen shots? Can you look in the cimserver.log on HMC during the time of failure.

I am doing this through the hmc console so unless I can post pictures here and I'm not sure how if I can then I'm out of luck on the screen shots as I am not versed in the hmc command line enough to perform the steps there. If one of you know the cmd line well maybe you get close on a cmd I could try.

I also monitored the cimserver.log file while trying to peform the DLPAR function and there are lots of data being written to that log file. Even though the date cmd returns the correct date the time being logged in the cimserver.log file is way off so I am unable to look based upon time.

So I think I found how to upload pictures. I ended up just uploading a word doc with the screen shots in there.