vsftpd hiding partial uploads

Is there any mechanism within vsftpd to hide partially uploaded files, ie give them a hidden file name. Pro ftp has this option with the hidden stor option in the configuration file.
If there is no such feature how do I go about requesting that the vsftpd developers create this option or is there any way to compile the vsftpd daemon to provide this feature? Many thanks in advance


What are the partially uploaded files called??

There is an option in vsftpd called,it is documented in the vsftpd man page

hide_files =

There fore if your partial files are called file.part, you can set the parameter as

hide_files = *part


Apologies, I did not explain the issue fully. When files get uploaded to a vsftpd server (it doesn't matter what files), they appear appear on the server immediately. This means that they can get downloaded or samba can copy them, even if the upload is not complete. Pro ftpd has a way aound this problem by hiding files until the upload has been completed- it has a "hidden stor" feature. Ie a file that is being uploaded is give a random hidden file name, and the proper file name only appears when the upload has been completed. This ensures that partially uploaded files can not be simultaneously downloaded.

I dont think vsftpd has a similar option, can the developers implement such code?

in the latest release, vsftpd 2.0.5 supports file locking. This only just been released 03/07/2006. This feature fixes everything - RESULT.