vsftp with chroot and symbolic link to folder

Hello, I installed 'vsftpd' and scrolled through the config file. I liked to change the chroot-setting. Now I can't connect to a subfolder anymore - it is a link to a subfolder to my mainfolder for the www-content ( /var/www/userxxx ). Is there a way to use chroot und use links to folders at the same time? thanx in advance...

You should never try to symlink outside a chroot jail, because you would have automatically broken the chroot jail. Plus, the jail blocks the user from seeing anything outside the jail, which is why you created the jail.

You have to make your directory INSIDE the jail. You can set up the path to the jail (and your directory) as world accessible, so it doesn't break anything.

thanx for your answer..

I've found a way configuring 'aliases' in apache2. now I can use one folder with e.g. graphics in different folders for the users...

I have same problem, could you show me the solution that you took???

there is a directive (mod_alias - Apache HTTP Server) to create alias on webserver.
if you have access to the config file (folder 'sites-available' below 'etc') you can set a path to use files somewhere outside of users ftp/www directory.
but it isn't possible to get access to this directory by 'ftp' if you setup 'chroot'...