VPN Connection

I have question about VPN connection thats,

I have two networks
1-Office Network
2-Home Network
both are connected to internet

i have in Office network PPTP VPN Server with real or static ip and on the home network all clients working with local ip

Now ,
I need to connect to home network via Office using PPTP VPN .


What's the problem?

I want to know how i can do that with steps

Hello sir,

We would like to ask you if you already have the VPN from your home network to your office network, if this is the case if you can be more specific about the configuration that you already have, this could help us to determinate if there is an issue whit the Iptables that does not allow the traffic to flow or if there is an issue whit the steps to stablish the vpn.

Also if you can provide us whit the current configuration we would be able to help you whit this.

Best regards,