VNC trouble

I have been having issues with VNC. I have been gettining a lot of errors but mostly gray screens and some black screens. I think this may also be a gnome error. I know that the xstartup file is the file to look at.

> more ~/.vnc/xstartup
[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &
gnome-terminal --geometry 80x24+10+10 --title="My Desktop" &
gnome-panel &
nautilus &

The gray screen problem is only on some of the aervers and not all. Also My home directory is NFS mounted across all the servers.

The OS that I'm using is Solaris 9, Solaris 10 and Red hat 5.5. Most of the error happened after I added my account and the NFS mount for my home directory to the Red Hat server. though the Solaris 10 server had a gray screen before this.

At this time the VNC is working on the Solaris 9 server. The Solaris 10 server just shows a gray screen and the RHEL server has a black screen and lots of pop ups with errors. I believe the Solaris box and RHEL server are overwriting some of the files and this maybe what is causing the some of the problems. I have anther local account that is on the Red Hat box, that is using VNC, and it work perfectly.

Anyway I have been looking for the solution if you have any info that can help that would be great.