vmstat help

Hi everyone,

         I need to see some VM manager performance/behavior information on some Linux boxes regarding pages scanned/activation of the paging algorithm in order to get an idea if a given server needs more memory and is actually paging. In Aix servers, by using the vmstat cmd you can see, among other things, the:

sr- Pages scanned by page-replacement algorithm.
cy- Clock cycles by page-replacement algorithm.

System configuration: lcpu=4 mem=8192MB

kthr memory page faults cpu
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa
2 1 1493494 132667 0 0 0 7 40 0 93 2963 929 16 1 82 0

the question is the following:
How can I get similar information in Linux ( and more specifically, RH)?


"man free" as well as vmstat