Virtual mount .image file?

Hi All,

Is it possible to mount a DVD image file?

I know it's possible to get some software to mount CD and DVD files on a PC I just wondered if this is possible on Solaris...

Many thanks, p.

Mounting an ISO image on Solaris

Hi Perderabo,

Thanks for this. Sorry I didn't do a search first before posting.

Another question on this; the image that I've now successfully mounted is the Solaris 9 install DVD, how do I now install Solaris 9 onto my spare disk?

There is a file called Installer, which I've run but this only installs Live Upgrade.

Am I attemping to do something that's not possible? Or possibly dangerous?

EDIT: I've found the following which I'm currently reading thru: - it might be what I'm looking for but seems a little complicated...

Many thanks, p.

OK, I'm thinking aloud here because I think it will help me find the right process for what I'm trying to achieve...

After having no luck in making a ufsrestore of a system disk bootable and failing at writing Solaris 9 to a DVD and booting off of that I've copied the .image file onto my original (system) disk and mounted it using lofiadm.

My problem now is how to install from this image onto to spare disk - on the same system.

I'm finding lots of information on setup_install_server and jumpstart but I'm a little confused; are these tools for creating a network bootable image only?

Do I need to create a boot server only?
Do I need to create an install server?
Can I just run the install from the lofiadm mounted image?

Thanks, p.

Follow the instructions here to fully configure the installation source ( ignore anything related to disk 2 ), Ignore the name of the setup_install_server script, all it is doing is extracting software from the DVD.

Then have a look at the lu, lucreate commands, or Live upgrade documents on