Virtual Linux Install Problem

This is actually my second attempt at installing Linuix on my mechine. Instead of wiping my HD (big mistake), I thought I would give the LiveCD option a try.

I was able to boot Virtual Linux under option 2 (the "happy" mode that doesn't freeze while loading) normally... until I got to the login screen. The screen began to flash on and off, if I typed something it, the text overlayed the graphic of the penguin. Something causes something else to time out for 5 min, and then I am able to login as root. However, it doesn't load the GUI. 650MB is a lot for just a command line enviroment, and the loading screen is nice and graphical... so I am safe to say it comes with a GUI, right? Is there a command I have to type in to access it? Is there some problem with the version I have (1.1 Tiger)?

Help... I am confused!

Seem that your video card is not detected corectly.
Virtual Linux is too old .
Try somenthing newer Knoppix LiveCD

Another way is to emulate Linux using vmware or qemu.