VIO Redundancy

Hi Guys,

I'm working on building a new 595 machine.. I'm try to achieve high availability for the VIO clients using 2 VIO servers, The ethernet part is satisfied using SEA failover, Now how do I achieve redundancy for the disks, its the servers internal disk attached to the scsi cards...

Should I need to create the second VIO with the same set of disks which are serving the VIO clients

Any ideas please..

If you are using internal disks then you will need to mirror virtual disks at LPAR level, you cannot allocate local disks to both VIO Servers, specifically you can't allocate the SCSI adapter to more then one VIO LPAR.

Do note though that you will need to resync all the disks when you restart one of the VIO servers at LPAR level.

In my view local disks should only be used for the VIO servers themsleves and maybe a NIM server that should be independent of VIO.

Thanks Ross,, That was my thinking as well.. If I allocate one SCSI adapter to one of the VIO server then that can't be used for one more LPAR, so its ruled out... Only thing that I guess I can do it provide 2 disks from each VIO server and implement mirroring and check for sync at restart,..

We can achieve redundancy using external luns which can be mapped to both the VIO servers ,, But I'm not getting any SAN disks :frowning: So that is ruled out..

Thanks for the advice Ross