vim and MacVim in MacOSX

Hi guys,

I just installed a plugin (script) at my MacVim -> etc. and the plug is installed! However when I load other files with vim which came with the MacOSX (by default) the plugin is not installed ... since I did not installed in that directory! PLEASE let me know how I can find the directory of the default vim in MacOSX :frowning: I am having some hard times... to figure out it!

I take it you are launching vim from the Terminal. This would be launching the /usr/bin/vim executable not macvim.

Please copy the plugin into your local user inside ".vim/plugin" (there is a dot before vim). Now see if it loads.

You might also be interested in pathogen.vim if you use several plugins and wish to keep them updated easily.

pubxx-xxx:~ xxx$ cd ~/.vim
-bash: cd: /Users/xxx/.vim: No such file or directory
pubxx-xxx:~ xxx$

:frowning: I cannot open this directory in MacOSX since morning :frowning:

please create such a directory.

mkdir .vim