Vi Hangs server while editing a 500k file???

Just curious if anyone else has experienced this problem or has any ideas for resolution:

When editing files of size 500k using vi, the system hangs. Is there anything special I need to do in creating my filesystem or anything special I need to do to configure vi? I know there is a largefile option for file system creation, but 500k is not exactly a file size that I would consider large.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!


Largefile is usually considered over 2gb.

Are you sure the vi process is hanging and its not your telnet emulator that is hanging?

did you try a different type of editor?

Perhaps there are unreadable characters in the file?

vi has to make a copy of a file to edit it. Maybe you did not wait long enough for the copy to complete?

Thanks for both of your comments.

As it turns out the disk having the problem is an external array connected via fibre channel. I copied the file to a local disk connected via SCSI and on the SCSI disk I had no issues vi"ing" the file. I am looking into the Fibre Channel HBA or driver as the potential cause.

Any and all other comments would be appreciated.

Thanks again.

How about a little info.. :stuck_out_tongue:

OS release? Server model? Array model? Raid configuration? Alternate links in use? Topology? Under LVM or VXVM control? Any messages reported by dmesg? Any messages from the array's management interface? etc, etc, etc...