Vi Editor

Hi ,

I would like to delete all lines after 40th line in vi editor . Please let me know what command I can use for it?

Also how to replace one word with another in the middle of 5th line?


This should work...

a) delete all lines after 40th line


b) replace one word with another in the middle of 5th line?

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To delete all lines from 40 onward within the editor you would type:-

:41,$ d

From the command line I think you could

sed -i '41,$ d' filename

If you are editing the file on screen, then to change a word just move to the line, position the cursor at the begginning of the word to be replaced and type cw Nothing will appear on screen when you press the c but the word will disappear when you press the w and leave you in input mode ready to type the replacement word. When you have finished, remember to press Escape to get back to command mode.

Save your edits with :wq

I hope that this helps, but please let me know if I have missed the point.

Kind regards,

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