vgchgid missed one disk


Suppose I have 3 disks c0t0d0, c0t0d1, and c0t0d2 all with the *same* VGID.

I then run:
# vgchgid /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d1
(notice I *accidentally* skipped the third disk!)

How would I fix this so that all 3 disks have the same VGID again?

I'm looking for step-by-step list of commands that would fix this...


any ideas?

Never had the use for the command... sorry
At the time it was designed for EMC sysmmetrix... later you could use it on a set of disks which are not EMC Symmetrix BCVs using the -f option as the first argument on the command line, the type of underlying disc type will not be checked. It may be worth trying again with -f ...

Anyway knowing what you were trying to do may help us understand you issue or is it
a guess since you started with "suppose"

Someone gave you an answer here: IT Resource Center forums - vgchgid missed one disk

For the benefit of other forum members, did that work for you?

I posted that there too. Basically:

# vgchgid -f /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d1 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d2
vgchgid: physical volume "/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0" and "/dev/rdsk/c0t0d2" do not belong to the same volume group.

So the -f option won't work.

I know for a fact that the 3 disks did belong to the same VG before (exported from system A then moved to system B where we accidently vgchgid the first two and forgot the third).

Silly mistake, but not my mistake :slight_smile:
No way of fixing so far :eek:

Anyone know of a way (my guess would be to use the dd command to duplicate the first few sectors from c0t0d0 to c0t0d2), but cannot believe others have never enocountered such a issue before :confused:

It was mirrored disks you split right?
I would go and remove the PV (pvxreate -f , may have to use rmsf ( long time since I last played with vgs like that...)) and add it back to the group, mirror and start all again...

Curious if this would work: vgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/c0t0d2

If you have an old vgcfgbackup , You may restore that onto all the PVs. Then retry the vgchgid with all the disks. That will work . It worked for me in 11.23 and some EMC devices.