Verify the header and trailer in file

please see my requirement, I hope I am clear.

awk -v L=$( wc -l < filename ) 'NR==1{
 header_p=sprintf "%s", substr($0,1,2);
 header=sprintf "%s", substr($0,3,22);
 } NR==L {
 trailer_p=sprintf "%s", substr($0,1,2);
 trailer=sprintf "%s", substr($0,3,22);
 trailer_L=sprintf "%s", substr($0,25,8);
 TL=sprintf "%08i", (L-2);
 if((header_p=="HH") && (trailer_p=="TT") && (header==trailer) && (trailer_L==TL))
  print "Validation Successful."
  print "Validation Failed."
} ' filename

when I executed code given by you in debug mode it mentioned below error
I replace file name with $1 in script.

+ wc -l
+ 0< toa_mica_usage_feed00009554
+ awk -v L= 565568 NR==1{
 header_p=sprintf "%s", substr($0,1,2);
 header=sprintf "%s", substr($0,3,22);
 } NR==L {
 trailer_p=sprintf "%s", substr($0,1,2);
 trailer=sprintf "%s", substr($0,3,22);
 trailer_L=sprintf "%s", substr($0,25,8);
 TL=sprintf "%08i", (L-2);
 if((header_p=="HH") && (trailer_p=="TT") && (header==trailer) && (trailer_L==TL))
  print "Validation Successful."
  print "Validation Failed."
}  toa_mica_usage_feed00009554

awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1

Use nawk instead if your OS is SunOS or Solaris

Copy and use below code, pass filename as argument:


line_no=$( wc -l < $1 | sed 's/ //g' )

nawk -v L=$line_no 'NR==1{
 header_p=sprintf("%s", substr($0,1,2));
 header=sprintf("%s", substr($0,3,22));
 } NR==L {
 trailer_p=sprintf("%s", substr($0,1,2));
 trailer=sprintf("%s", substr($0,3,22));
 trailer_L=sprintf("%s", substr($0,25,8));
 TL=sprintf("%08i", (L-2));
 if((header_p=="HH") && (trailer_p=="TT") && (header==trailer) && (trailer_L==TL))
  print "Validation Successful."
  print "Validation Failed."
} ' $1

Below is the error after using nawk

nawk: can't open file NR==1{
 header_p=sprintf "%s", substr($0,1,2);
 header=sprintf "%s", substr($0,3,22);
 } NR==L {
 trailer_p=sprintf "%s", substr($0,1,2);
 trailer=sprintf "%s", substr($0,3,22);
 source line number 1

I see you have used a different code, copy and use the nawk code which I posted above.

---------- Post updated at 08:51 AM ---------- Previous update was at 08:42 AM ----------

Ok.thanks I lot, but I you can explain me how this code is doing it. for my understanding

Use a for loop if you want to work on several files. Here is explanation of code.


for file in toa_mica_usage_feed*

line_no=$( wc -l < $file | sed 's/ //g' )                                               # Get line count of file

nawk -v L=$line_no 'NR==1{
 header_p=sprintf("%s", substr($0,1,2));                                                # Extract 1-2 chars of header (HH)
 header=sprintf("%s", substr($0,3,22));                                                 # Extract 3-25  chars of header
 } NR==L {
 trailer_p=sprintf("%s", substr($0,1,2));                                               # Extract 1-2 chars of trailer (TT)
 trailer=sprintf("%s", substr($0,3,22));                                                # Extract 3-25 chars of trailer
 trailer_L=sprintf("%s", substr($0,25,8));                                              # Extract 25-32 chars of trailer (record length)
 TL=sprintf("%08i", (L-2));
 if((header_p=="HH") && (trailer_p=="TT") && (header==trailer) && (trailer_L==TL))      # Checking header and trailer and record length
  print FILENAME " - validation Successful."                                            # Print FILENAME and status
  print FILENAME " - validation Failed."                                                # Print FILENAME and status
} ' $file >> validation_result.txt                                                      # Redirect result to file: validation_result.txt

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ok working

Many thanks. it working fine