Various System Administration Questions

Sorry I'm kind of desperate here :wall:, there's a security audit coming next week :frowning: and I can't seem to find solutions for the questions below :confused:.

1) I need to limit usage on account during non-working hours.

There's no /etc/security/time.conf file in my system should I create it?

Is setting this setting sufficient?


2) I need to set all system logs to a permission of 640 and to append only.

Is there a way to list all system logs? How do I set the log to append only?

3) I need to disable all .exrc files from running in my system. There is no /etc/environment in the system, should I assume that there is no global environment settings? Is there anyway I can ban running of .exrc files in my system through a global environment setting? Or do I have to set in each user's .profile

4) Is there a way to list all device files and terminal device files in the server?

5) I tried to list all suid/sgid files using this command.

find / \ ( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -ls -o -fstype nfs -prune

Didn't seem to work, anything wrong with the command?

6) I need to set all removable media to noauto mount, how do I set it in /etc/vfstab?