Variable storage using awk


there is a file which contains some values in column format. I want to store those values in a variable.but when i am using awk it is storing all the values at a time.

x=`awk '{print $1}' test2.txt`
echo $x
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but i want the values to be stored one by one in that variable.

x=`awk '{print $1}' test2.txt`
echo $x
echo $x

suggestions please.


while read x rest; do
  echo "$x"
done < test2.txt

actually my input file is in this format

timestamp errormessage errorcode description

from this file i want to pickup the errorcode column and store it in some variable. but when i using awk it is storing all the values inside that column in that variable.i want one value at a time in that variable.

I am using awk as i want to pick a column from a file.

while read timestamp errormessage errorcode description
  echo "Error code: $errorcode"
done < test2.txt

Is error message one word? Otherwise please post a sample of your input file.