variable exporting


can anyone tell me the difference between the below two examples:

# name=bravo
# echo $bravo
what would be the o/p

# name1=jhonny
# export name1
# echo $name1
what would be the o/p

If the o/p's of both examples are the same then what is the use of the cmd export in Eg-2.
I know export will create an env variable temporarily, when I type the cmd "env" it will display the variable name1 and its value.

Can anyone give more specific info of what is going on in the background, and the real use of export.

Thanks in advance.

1.- Log as root
2.- Create a file called .profile in /
3.- vi .profile
5.-reboot the system and ready!!

exporting a variable in your profile permanently.. as above

Exporting a variable makes it and its value available to child processes, that is binaries or scripts you call from the shell you set the variable in.