/var 100% full

What to do if /var filesystem in Aix is completely full ?

delete some large files to free up space. Make sure you know what your deleting first. /var/adm/ras is a good place to start looking.

frank_rizzo has already told you some places to start looking, here are some other prospective candidates:


and here is a - generally working - way to analyze which file(s) are using up the most space in a full filesystem:

  • go to the starting directory of the directory hierarchy you want to analyze (in your case /var)
  • issue the command "du -ks * | sort -nr | more"
    you will get a list of files and directories sorted by the space (in kb) they are using. Directories values are the sum of all the files contained in them.
  • if you can identify a file you can delete at this level - solution. Otherwise you will see the directories which use the most space on top of the list - change into one after the other and repeat the process there until you have a solution.

hope this helps
