Value too large to be stored in data type???

I get this message : "Value too large to be stored in data type" when I try to open a 3Gb file.
Can someone helps me to resolve the problem.
Thank you very much

Don't you think it is important to tell us what you are using
to "open" a 4GB file?

I am using streamweaver to open an afp file

I do not have any knowledge of streamweaver.
People in this site know Unix commands/tools, for this reason, you may
not receive an answer to your question.
In any event, there may be somebody here that knows streamweaver.
Good luck!

Check ulimits for the user, thats all I could think of.

Is this a 32bit/64bit issue? What operating system version and application was used to create the file, and what version and application is trying to open it?