validating a input file for numeric and character

i have a input file like this


while reading the file i need to check whether the first column is a number
second column is a name

is there any methodology to check for the same

thanks in advance

while IFS='|' read a b c d
  case $a in
    *[![:digit:]]*) echo First column is not a number ;;
    *) echo First column is a number ;;

  case $b in
   *[![:alpha:]]*) echo Second column is not a name ;;
   *) echo Second column is a name ;;
done < "$FILE"

using awk:

awk -F '|' '{ if($1 !~ /^[0-9]*$/) { print $1 " is not numeric in " $0; }  if($2 !~/^[a-zA-Z]*$/) { print $2 " is not alphabetic in " $0 } }' filename