Validate the file

How do we validate the header file. The file number should increament by 1 (position 17 to 19) if not abend the process.

first week
ABC0001 20100101123

second week
ABC0001 20100108124

Third week
ABC0001 20100115125


You can extract file number (position 17-19) using cut command below

I am not sure how your file names would be. For eg if you want to check this for list of files in a directory etc.


I think i didnt give clear picture on wht i needed. My req is like

Assume that source file is available on every week say test_file.dat

  1. Get the previous file number in temp file (something like cut -c 17-19)
  2. Compare current file number with previous week file number
  3. If file number is incremented by one then process that file if not abend the process

CURWEEK=`echo "ABC0001 20100115125" | cut -c18-19`
LASTWEEK=`echo "ABC0001 20100108124" | cut -c18-19`

if [ $CURWEEK -gt $LASTWEEK ];then
	#Run your program

diff of CURWEEK & LASTWEEK should be 1

Hope this works


CURWEEK=`echo "ABC0001 20100115124" | cut -c18-19`
LASTWEEK=`echo "ABC0001 20100108125" | cut -c18-19`

if [ `echo "$CURWEEK - $LASTWEEK" | bc` -eq 1 ];then
# Your program


As OP said in his post, the file will be created in an incremental basis and we can not hard code the file-name for comparing with the last file.

the number of the last file must be picked from some temp file each time I think so.

Ex, ( supposing header is the first line ) :

awk 'FNR==1{a[c++]=substr($2,10)+0;b[d++]=FILENAME}
   for (i=1;i<c;i++){
      if ( a-av != 1 ) {
         print b,": File Out of range !!"
       else {
}' first second third