v890 cannot boot

I just received a v890. I cannot get it to boot via CDROM nor can I access the SC prompt because I do not know the password. I am attempting to access it via serial cable to a Linux box.

What is the best way to proceed?

Connecting through serial console port is your best bet.

Please look at the below document for how to connect using serial A.

If you are not able to see any thing on serial console, that means the OBP is set to redirect outut to rsc. You may have to reset the NVRAM to default settings. See if the following steps help:

I got into the sc via password guessing. Now that I'm there, when I enter "console" it just sits there until I enter ~. to get out. I want to set it to boot from CDROM.

You must manualy tell the server to boot from the cdrom, from the OK.

I can't get to the OK prompt, pepi.

is the server on? are there messages on console during post? have you tried the break procedure to drop to the ok prompt?

Sorry I think I gave out the wrong command it is "tip hardwire "

The server powers on but I cannot get past the sc prompt. When I enter "console" I get nothing. I send the command "break" before "console."

have you tried the serial port from the server and NOT from the rsc card?

I am using the "Serial Management" port on the back of the server.

Since you have the SC access now,

you can recycle the host, and have a good look at console output.

See if it stops at ok otherwise once it starts booting send a break from SC.


It seems he is using ALOM shell not an rsc card.

Try to switch between the ALOM Command Shell ( sc prompt ) and the OpenBoot PROM Prompt (Ok prompt).
By issuing the following command

sc> console 

Other wise
You can try serial console connection to server directly ttya using null modem to some terminal emulator , You can refer to the owner's guide which it has some instruction on setting up a console

If nothing else works try to sit in front of server's console and make sure that you have keyboard and monitor attached to the sever.

post here again

Sorry for the time gap, guys. Hurricane and earthquakes :smiley:

Sun replaced the motherboard after verifying it was dead. Everything looked great via their serial connection. Now that they've left, I still cannot get monitor output nor to the OBP.

---------- Post updated at 02:09 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:19 PM ----------

I am using a serial cable connected to the serial management port on the server. I am trying to find the right adapter to connect to the "Serial A/B" port on the server.

How come you have said earlier

Do you get the output from OpenBoot consoles on your consoles screen while they were ( I mean SUN's supoort guys ) with you then everything is okay , and you cannot get the output from consoles output while you are alone it might be terminal configuration.You can refer to the owner's guide which it instructions on setting up a console and terminals as I said in my previous post.
There are some informations some where on the net just search for it detailing SUN's serial cable pin layout scheme

So I tested the same physical setup (cable and laptop) to a 210. No problem getting from rsc to console.....

---------- Post updated at 02:20 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:18 PM ----------

I said it because that's what happened. They used an adapter on the Serial TTY A/B port that I do not have. However, the same setup I have works perfectly on a neighboring v210.

I'm not sure how I can setup a console and/or terminal like you recommend when I cannot get past the rsc prompt.

Easy you can buy such an adapter if it is required and mandatory for you work to be effective .
or y
You can look for some information some where on the net just search for it detailing SUN's serial cable pin layout scheme .

Setting up console and terminal configuration is detailed in the owner's manual all you have to do is just to read thoroughly I believe it's a moderate task you can do it by yourself.

Have a look here I hope it helps

I understand about buying the adapter and will do so. However, it is indeed odd and temporarily a work stoppage in that I cannot get past the rsc prompt. Your advice about terminal configuration is great once I can actually configure the terminal. What I am looking for now is help getting to OBP.

Right now, I am installing Solaris 10 on a nearby unused v210. I hope (and solicit input on the idea of) that I can 'tip hardwire' into the v890 from it. Thoughts?

---------- Post updated at 03:09 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:34 PM ----------

Still have rsc access but no access to console.

---------- Post updated at 03:55 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:09 PM ----------

I welcome input upon which adapter to buy.

I have worked with a few v890's where you need to type "console -f", break out and type "console -f" again, only on the second attempt do i get the next prompt, might be a similar issue?

Running 'tip hardwire' from another box and then logging into the rsc and running 'console' gave me the same result - nothing. This is extremely frustrating.

Is this the adapter I need?

Did you try recycling the host.

What does the output for below commands at the rsc show

