UUCP HELP for a desperate new user


I have a unique situation where I must pass along critical & time-sensitive emails to a group of seven different people. Every person with whom I communicate EXCEPT ONE uses a standard IP based ".com" email address. The one exception is a gentleman who will NOT budge and create a standard email account. He's a little on the conspiracy nut list because he believes that his information is too precious to trust to IP routing protocols. He may be right...but it's a pain in rear.

All I am trying to do is to setup a means to communicate with a single UUCP user on a regular basis. I am primarily a PC user and a LINUX via Raspberry Pi user. I have no experience with UNIX whatsoever but am more than willing to learn and get my feet wet.

I have the user's bang address...I just need help (from step one) on setting up (as simple as possible) a UUCP email communication method using Windows, Linux, or some type of UNIX emulator/standalone program. Any help for this Unix rookie would be greatly appreciated.

Hopefully a lot of what you will need to know is here: Linux UUCP and sendmail

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