Utility for Multiple windows

Iam looking for a utility in which i can run the same command in mutliple servers at the same time in multiple windows. I remember somebody mentioned to me about that,i would like to know if its available for unix servers as a windows application. I tried google for it but couldn't find any.
Can someone point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance.

maybe this helps:
DSH - dancer's shell / distributed shell

if you are on solaris you can use the sun cluster software.

Thanks DukeNuke2. I was wondering if there's an application like F-secure ssh client and in which i can visually see my commands getting typed as i type in one box. I remember seeing it in a different workplace. As we type the command in one window it simultaneously types in multiple windows and it resembles like a ssh client.

the sun cluster console ist exactly such an tool... but i don't know if this tool runs on other unix derivates... you can maybe download the source an compile it yourself.

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Thanks again DukeNuke2. My problem is i can't install them on the unix box in a production environment. So i was looking like a ssh client in which i can install it on my PC(windows OS) and connect to the unix servers and open multiple windows of different servers at the same time. So ideally when i type 'top' command for example i should see it in all the servers at the same time.

Please let me know if any available like a ssh client.


download and install solaris on your admin station! you can use the cluster console on that system and you can also work with dualboot if you need windows.
i don't know a tool as the cluster console for windows...

Thanks,No problem.

Or else can i do it this way. Install Linux on my pen drive and boot my pc from that or boot linux from cd like ubuntu linux and install that dsh on linux.will it work in that way?


You can also use the dsh (distributed shell) from the AIX middleware. This software was first part of the PSSP software shipped with the SP/2 systems, then included in the PSSP-successors Cluster/1600, etc. It is basically a PERL wrapper which runs r-commands or ssh-commands against one or several machines, then combines the output from the different machines into a coherent format. You might have to modify it a little to run on non-AIX machines, but that should be pretty simple to achieve.

I hope this helps.
