USTAR tar archive

Hello Admins,

I am facing an issue with ustar tar archive on solaris 10.

By mistake I have created ustar tar archive of /var/adm/messages file on solaris10.
I am trying to untar the /var/adm/messages file . but I am not getting the original text messages file.

I user tar -xvf /var/adm/messages...

but no luck

Help appreciated

---------- Post updated at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:41 PM ----------

i guess it has overwritten all the file from /var/adm directory to
/var/adm/messages ustar archive file...

Oh...I think I lost my /var/adm/messages file......

Please suggest

[LEFT]Can you tell me exactly what you have run to take backup (creating tar file) and from which directory you ran?

If the tar file has old messages file and if you overwrote latest messages file then there is no way you could restore latest messages file. BUT you may get little recent message files in the form of messages.0,1,2 etc.

what I did is as below:

tar cvf /var/adm/messages


when i checked

file /var/adm/messages

it says it's a ustar archive file

then I tried

tar -xvf /var/adm/messages

it says

/var/adm//pool, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
/var/adm//wtmpx, 197532 bytes, 386 tape blocks
/var/adm//sulog, 35 bytes, 1 tape blocks

but it's not showing that messages files....

What I should do now.....I need the past logs....I don't have message.0, messages.1 ...on my system...

Its not possible to recover your messages file as you gave "messages" file as tar-file-name to be created in your tar command which overwrote your acutal message file.

hmmm ...ok

So need to create one right?
