Using vi editor with Solaris

When I try to edit a ( >100 lines) document using the vi editor I have problems with the screen clearing and "painting" new text. It looks as if I have not matched the terminal emulation between the server and my laptop emulator. I set the Solaris up as VT 100 as well as Terra Term. I get the same results with Putty and Hyper Terminal. Are there some settings I may be forgetting? Also, can I copy a text file from my Sun Solaris box, edit it in Windows Notepad, and then put it back in the Sun box as an alternate way to edit? Thanks

try enter the following:

export TERM
export EDITOR

and try again...

The last line (resize command) should probably be:

eval $(/usr/openwin/bin/resize)

or if your shell is not POSIX:

eval `/usr/openwin/bin/resize`