using switch on multiple arguments

I have a switch statement, and I want to have two options performing the same thing. For example, if $opt matches "-fb" or "--fbase", I want to perform the same operation. How can I include various matches in "case" ?

  switch ($opt)

  case "-T":
    set Atpath = $par
    set opt_tpath = 1

  case "-fb":
    set Afbase = $par
    set opt_fbase = 1

case "-fb"|"--fbase":

Are the quotes important, or can I go without

case -fb|--fbase: 	

Ooops sry i did a mix

---------- Post updated at 02:29 AM ---------- Previous update was at 02:26 AM ----------

Have a look at this
case (Learning the Korn Shell, 2nd Edition)

Yes, does not take it.

Please post your code and the manner it which it misbehaved.

I am referring to csh. Had a look at ksh, they don't mention having multiple matches either.

I get "ERROR: -dsrmax not set" when using

./check-srdist.csh --dsrmax=12

Code as below

set opt_dsrmax = 0

set narg = $#argv
while ($iarg < $narg)

  MATH iarg = $iarg + 1
  set arg = $argv[$iarg]
  set opt = `echo $arg | awk 'BEGIN {FS="="} {print $1}'`
  set par = `echo $arg | awk 'BEGIN {FS="="} {print $2}'`

  switch ($opt)

  case "-d"|"--dsrmax":
    set Adsrmax = $par
    set opt_dsrmax = 1

    set Afullnames_list = "$Afullnames_list $arg"


end   # while

if ($opt_dsrmax == 0) then
  echo "\n ERROR: -dsrmax not set\n"
  exit 1

---------- Post updated at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:42 PM ----------

I have started coding using ksh but not bourne shell. I already got the .csh scripts and thought it would be faster to update those first so I can get some results sooner.

---------- Post updated at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:47 PM ----------

Is it possible to do in csh?

---------- Post updated at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:56 PM ----------

Have tried the below and seems to work

  case "-d":
  case "--dsrmax":
    set Adsrmax = $par
    set opt_dsrmax = 1