Using 'su' inside a loop

I am using su within a for loop. As you might expect, it prompts for password during each loop execution. Here is my piece of code:

for i in $LIST
  if [ `echo $i | grep -c 'APSTAGE'` -gt 0 ]
    DATABASE=`echo $i | awk -F "|" '{ print $1 }'`
    USER_ID=`echo $i | awk -F "|" '{ print $2 }'`
    su - apstage -c "echo $i; cd /home/apstage/src/util; . GHD_common.ksh; db_connect -c $DATABASE -u $USER_ID"

I tried to put the loop inside su -c but $LIST, defined in the script is not visible after su gets executed.

How can we provide password automatically during each loop execution. Any idea?

By using sudo with NOPASSWD set for the apstage command. Everything else is, at best, complicated, and completely and utterly insecure.