Using SFTP Error Server Unknown

Not sure if this is the right forum and I apologies if not. I use Expression web to update our website on a UNIX server using SFTP.

I use the same laptop, software, that works fine when at home, but when I travel, I tend to get a unknown server error. I am suspecting that it has something to do with the server configuration of the ISP I connect to the Internet with. And no one seems to know what might be causing it. Here is a some data.

On our ISP, Southern Bell, it always works, regardless of how many time or IPs I connect to.

We have 2 connections in the Philippines. 1 works and the other does not.

When I travel and use hotels ISPs it tend to not work.

I can always connect to the website via the browser, cmd prompt, etc

The exact error I get when I get it is:
"Cannot connect to Check the server name and proxy settings. If the settings are correct, the server may be temporarily unavailable."

I do not think it is a DNS issue because I used the host file and it still fails when I travel.

If anyone can shed some light on this, it woudl be very much apprecited.

Perhaps a firewall issue, perhaps the server doesn't allow outside connections.

Logically that would not be so, sicne it works at home and on on eof the connections in the Philippines. As I said, it appears to be server configuration.

I am thinking it may be port 22 is closed. Some one said that hotels tend to have that port closed, which woudl block the SFTP connection request. I will contact the ISp in the Philippines and request they check to see if that port is open.

Thanks again.