Using sed to round a number

Hey everyone, I was wondering if i am able to write a sed command to round a number to two decimal places. So for example:

would be

I just want to chop off the numbers to the right of the second digit after the period. I know this is probably trivial but the closest i got was

sed 's/[.].*$//'

which deletes everything after the period including the period. Thanks.

sed 's/\(\.[0-9][0-9]\).*$/\1/g'

EDIT: Missed a backslash

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cool it works thanks!

but not in sed ..

$ echo "scale=2;1.58674/1" | bc

I tried this value "test.test1234" with send command not working.

The above sed code is for numbers... notice [0-9]?...

Following code will give you test.te as output

echo test.test1234| sed 's/\(\...\).*$/\1/g'


i want only number values,not character...

echo test.test1234 | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g'



1.58641 rounded to 2 decimals is 1.59, truncated to 2 decimals is 1.58

Rounding with the printf command

rnd_a=$( printf "%.2f" $a)

The examples shown so far truncate.