Using sed on 1st column of tab delimited file

Hi all,
I'm new to Unix and work primarily in bioinformatics. I am in need of a script which will allow me to replace "1" with "chr1" in only the first column of a file which looks like such:

1       10327   rs112750067     T       C       .       PASS    ASP;RSPOS=10327;
1       10433   rs56289060      A       AC      .       PASS    ASP;RSPOS=10433;

I would like it to be:

chr1       10327   rs112750067     T       C       .       PASS    ASP;RSPOS=10327;
chr1       10433   rs56289060      A       AC      .       PASS    ASP;RSPOS=10433;

Any ideas?

sed 's/^1/chr1/' input_file

Thank you Shell, but I forgot to mention that some of my other lines begin with numbers like such:

1 10440 rs112155239 C A . PASS ASP;OTH;RSPOS=10

Is there a wildcard to represent white space for sed?

sed 's/^1[^0-9]/chr&/1' infile

Problem resolved :slight_smile: