Using perl code find greatest number.

How would one go about finding the greatest number in an array of numbers using loops and if statements? For example, if you had an array like this:

(4, 8, 3, 19, 6, 11)

Try this,

my @nums = (2.1,1,3,10.1,10.2, 5);
my @sort_nums = sort {$a <=> $b} @nums;
my $grNum = pop @sort_nums;
print "Greatest Number is: ",$grNum;

Thxz balaji_red83! It working.

I changed a bit to make the result nicer:

my @nums = (2.1,1,3,10.1,10.2, 5);
my @sort_nums = sort {$a <=> $b} @nums;
my $grNum = pop @sort_nums;
print "Greatest Number is: $grNum\n"


If you just want the greatest number use an array slice to return only that number:

my @nums = (2.1,1,3,10.1,10.2, 5);
my $grNum = (sort {$a <=> $b} @nums)[-1];
print "Greatest Number is: $grNum\n"