Using if with numbers (valuation).

Hi everyone!
I'm trying to validate two values in an If.

One value is saved in a variable and the other is hardcoded.

I'm using:

if [ $valu_saved -ne 44 and $myvalue == -1 ]

The variable $myvalue was set using:


I have tried using;

 -ne -1

, is not working as well.

Could you please give a hand here?

Thank you!

Your syntax is just a bit muddled up:

if [ $valu_saved -ne 44 -a $myvalue -eq -1 ]

But I don't know, really, what you mean by "hardcoded" in relation to $valu_saved. Where is it set?

The use of -a in a test statement is deprecated. Use:

if [ $valu_saved -ne 44 ] && [ $myvalue -eq -1 ]

or, if you are using a modern shell (bash, zsh, ksh93, etc0



if (( valu_saved != 44  && myvalue == -1 ))
    echo "valid"

Can you please show me where it is described that this is deprecated? I checked with the Open Group definition of test before posting, and -a is not described as deprecated there.

I'm now using:

if  [ $valu_saved -ne 44 -a $myvalue -eq -1 ]

It is now working!

Thank you all!