Using HMC to display X applications


apologies if this has been asked before but I would like to use the HMC X-server to display X applications from other LPARS. The HMC and other LPARS are on the same network and can ping each other.

My problem appears to be running xhost + on the hmc as it returns with an error as the DISPLAY value is not valid. DISPLAY is set to {HMC IP ADDRESS}:0

Here is the steps I have taken:

Log onto HMC console as hscroot
Log on again to HMC using ssh and export DISPLAY={HMC IP}:0
Run xhost +

This is where the problem is. xhost + returns an error stating connection refused or can not connect to DISPLAY.

Is there a way round this? NB I have used the PESH password to obtain access through root to run/link the xhost command.


You are playing with fire.
Not supported.
That said....
You should be running the xhost + and export DISPLAY=HMCip on the LPAR not the HMC.

I tried this earlier and it never worked. Then I did not want to spend too much time there and installed an X-emulator on my PC which solved my purpose.

