Using getline in awk

I am using awk and want to use getline from a file like below

getline x < file

However file consists of two columns and I only want to store $2

Any way I can do this?

---------- Post updated at 06:54 AM ---------- Previous update was at 06:45 AM ----------

Done something like this. Seems to work.

awk ' { getline x < f; split( x, a, " " ); y = a[2];  \
    for( i = 2; i <= NF; ++i ) $i = ($i - y) / y }      \
    { print } ' f=$fin1.zv $fin2.zv > $fin2.zp
awk '{getline x<f;split(x,a,FS);for(i=0;++i<=NF;)$i=($i-a[2])/a[2]}1' f=file1 file2