Using Gdb

Hi All,

I am trying to execute a binary and it is giving Segmentation Fault.

Can I use gdb to debug this error?
Secondly there is no core file generated , so when I an trying to run gdb with the binary only I am not able to set any breakpoints.

When I am running the gdb and the I am trying to backtrace it then it is saying "No stack"

Can someone please help me in this?

Yes, you can use gdb to track down the seg fault. You will need a debug binary (i.e. binaries build with atleast -g flag) for that.
Core files are created depending on the ulimit core file size. Issue the command ulimit -c. If it is 0, then no core file will be created. Change it as

ulimit -c <some number>


ulimit -c unlimited

In the first case, the core file size restriction will depend on the number you provide.