Using Doxygen on Fortran code

I am using doxygen for documenting my fortran code.

I want to write some notes after the header in different parts of the subroutine. Any idea what the tags should be as anything I write after the header is not displayed

  !> Computes either a forward or inverse Radon transform in the frequency domain. For the
  !> forward Radon transform we solve the linear system of equations \f$ L.m = d \f$ by computing
  !> \f$ (L^{H}.L).m = L^{H}.d \f$ and minimizing \f$ (L^{H}.L).m - L^{H}.d \f$ for \f$ m \f$.
  !> The conjugate gradient algorithm is used to solve for \f$ m \f$ and since the matrix
  !> \f$ L^{H}.L \f$ turns out to be hermitian, fast computational methods for structured matrices
  !> can be used.
  !> @brief
  !> The forward Radon transform is computed using the conjugate gradient algorithm applied to
  !> a hermitian matrix.
  !> @param[in] l_forward  validates computation of a forward Radon transform

  subroutine rt2dsfpcg_main( l_forward )
  implicit none
  include 'radontest.cbk'


  logical, intent(in) :: l_forward


  real,    dimension(:), allocatable :: x  ! receiver offsets
  real,    dimension(:), allocatable :: p  ! Radon parameters