Using 'date' to list a range of dates

Hi guys,

I have been trying to create a list of dates from a certain range, ie.
range from 01011950 to 31122000

But when my below code reaches certain dates, it comes up with a;
'date: invalid date 'yyyy-mm-dd -d 1day'

Sofar I have come up with the following, slow and ugly;

# Create a wordlist based on dates in the format
# ddmmyyyy
# date doesnt seem to like certain dates resulting in a 
# 'date: invalid date 'yyyy-mm-dd -d 1day' 
# Although the input needs to be yyyy-mm-dd
# the output with the below script will be ddmmyyyy
# Its slow and suppose it would be quicker if it wasnt 
# 'teed' to screen, but what else are you gonna stare at..
echo "Enter the starting date"
echo "must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd"
(tput bold && tput setaf 1)
(tput sgr 0) 
echo "Enter the ending date"
echo "must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd"
(tput bold && tput setaf 1)
(tput sgr 0)
# List all dates in between the above dates

echo $START_DATE | tee r_dates.txt
while true
START_DATE=$( date +%Y-%m-%d -d "$START_DATE -d 1day" )
echo $START_DATE | tee -a r_dates.txt
if [ "$START_DATE" == "$END_DATE" ]
awk -F- '{print $3 $2 $1}' r_dates.txt > datelist.txt
rm r_dates.txt
(tput bold && tput setaf 1)
echo "wordlist 'datelist.txt' created"
(tput sgr 0)

Can anyone explain to me why 'date' is giving an error when it reaches certain dates ?

For instance, when trying 2000-01-01 to 2050-12-31 using
the above code, an error is reported when it reaches
2038-01-19 ;
date: invalid date `2038-01-19 -d 1day'

Would appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction with this !

Thanks - TAPE

That date is creeping up on us fast.
Year 2038 problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ahh.. my bad, I didnt even think to google that kind of error :expressionless:
Thought it would likely be the terrible coding :wink:

Thanks for the reply !

Does this kind of error occur on other dates ? I shall be doing some testing, but at least if I run into some weird errors I shall have a better understanding why..

Yes, any date before 1901-12-13

Thanks for the response !

It certainly makes the results go haywire....